martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

10 questions

i love on-demand. like, really love it. probably more than i should. aside from being able to watch whatever i am obsessed with at the moment whenever i want (CAPADOCIA), i generally manage to stumble across some excellent series, indy flix, and documentaries. which brings me to this point...a documentary called 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama. before watching it, i had what i guess i could call a basic outline/understanding of the political situation in Tibet, the inhumanities being committed there, as well as the influence of the Dalai Lama. but it wasn't until i saw the movie i realized what an enlightened individual he is. aside from being incredibly endearing (he reminds me of someone's grampy), he is just so smart, astute, and on point. after watching the documentary, i realized why so many people look to him not only as a spiritual leader, but also as leading figure in global politics and relations. so, in short, on-demand 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama, which presents an amazing portrait of a beautiful country, rich in history and culture, lead by a man filled with knowledge and enlightenment. what would you ask with 10 questions?

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