martes, 24 de junio de 2008

flickr obsessed...

the bright colours set:
the stencil + arte urbano mexico pool here: harajuku girls are the new geisha: (this is AMAZING. unfortch, i couldn't get an image):
my trips, my pics:(includes photos from yemen and north korea):
feetmanseoul: (HOT seoul, south korea street style): new lifestyle of leisure has provided me with a lot of, well, leisure time= plenty of time to perv around on deh internetz. i realize that i might be a little behind the times here, but one of my newest obsessions is the photo-sharing website flickr, where photogz from the whole world over can post their work. i, for one, do not have any work to post, but i am fo' realz lovin' on the fact that one can browse the sites and see some truly amazing can enter keywords to search flickr "pools," or just wander aimlessly in the wonderfulness of its all. here are a few of my fav flickr sites so far, just to get you started...

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