martes, 15 de julio de 2008


no, seriously. apparently, muchoooooos emos in DF (thats Mexico City for the rest of y'all) have been being persecuted, jumped, and beat up by their sworn arch-enemies, the mexican punks. imaginase! k lokera! i never would have guessed this one, not in a million, gajillion years. but then again, i never would have guessed that the emo look/ movement (can you even call it a movement?) would have gained such a strong foothold/popularity in mexico. i guess there's always room in the world for angsty teenagers. remember kids, its up and down the street, not across the yard.

as with all momentous and fairly significant world events, the BBC has done a radio broadcast on it. check it out for yourself here:
also, a photo gallery of mexican emos.

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