viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

fundamentalist fashion and lindsay lohan's facebook page...the week in review

here are a few things that have been highly interesting to me this week.

1. fundamentalist fashion- obviously, the completely covered, fairly shapeless, pastel frocks worn by the women of the FLDS sect are making a HUGE splash in deh world of le fashion, eh? if it wasn't odd enough that they are all "plural wives," lets make ourselves stand out a little bit more, no? anyways, the dresses and the equally elaborate hairstyles that accompany them are a total throwback to the days of "Little House on the Prarie,"...only Laura Ingalls Wilder wasn't married off to a fifty-something man at age fourteen.
figure it out for yourself here:

2. lindsay lohan's facebook page- from the chosen people to the whore of babylon...but fo' serious...HOW DID I MISS THIS? she is apparently using the last name of her "friend," (read: girlfriend) DJ Samantha Ronson, and as always, it is so refreshing to know that...hey, celebrities, they're just like us! apparently, before the page was taken down, LiLo's status was a rebuttal to all those goddamn paparazzi and celebrity news mongers that the recent pictures of her "intoxicated" where actually due to the fact that it was "4:30 in the morning." yeah, it was 4:30 in the morning and you had been on a vodka-redbull partysafari since 11:30 that evening. i would be exhausted too.

3. alina shvartz- aside from having a super unfortunate last name and having been pictured in an equally unfortunate pair of leopard-print culouttes, yalie and "art" major alina shvartz has turned her fifteen minutes into an intense game of "its true!/no it isnt!". the latest, yale is refusing to acknowledge her senior "art" project and is urging shvartz to make a statement to the media that her cycle of self-insemination and then self-induced abortions was actually a hoax. i don't really care if its true or not, i just think its gross.

4. the "21" club- 11th grade girls in a high school in australia are the newest victims of the "heathers/mean girls" sickness. apparently, the girls formed the "21" club, and wore their rankings on their wrists. the skinnier, prettier, and more popular with the boys the girl was, the higher her ranking. charming, really. like grading beef.

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