viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010 posh spice's case...NEVER, but while i have the floor and a related post, i figured that i would vent a little bit. THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN A WOMAN WHO DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO DRESS FOR HER FIGURE. there, i said it. case in point, a new girl at work who recently lost 60lbs (go girl, fo' realz), but now suffers from some strange perceptual disorder that leads her to think that she has really become quite svelte. which, unfortunately, she is NOT. still a thick girl, but INSISTS on squeezing herself into garments that are at least 2 sizes toooooo SMALL. ugh. big girls need big diamonds and can still pull themselves together in a way that can make them FIERCE, but they need to do it in a way that flatters their body types. can i get a HELL YEAH?

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