sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

at this stage in the game, you are waiting for the notice that people you knew & were friends with in high school are getting married, having kids (not necessarily in that order), not that they are dead. we played freshman field hockey together, and i'll always remember her laugh, and how she taught me the best comeback EVER ("shut up, you're ugly"). later, she became one of the "bad kids" and the gossip started. i lost track of her, but always heard through the grapevine that she had some demons, the kind that don't let you go that easily and the kind that you chase with something very strong to make you forget. i guess you can only run so far before you get tired and just dont want to run anymore. i can't say that i'll miss her, because the person that she ended up as was so different from the person that i knew, but i can say i won't forget her. she is gone too soon.

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