viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

what caught my attention this week...

1. YAY FOR DEH GAYS IN CALIFORNIA- sosososo pleased that California has legalized gay the same time, one has to step back, scratch their head, and ponder, what took so long for these people who happen to love someone of the same sex so long to get the same rights that we all have? love is love, and it deserves the same fair chance to be recognized for what it is. also, ellen degeneres can finally lockdown that hottie of a girlfriend of hers.

2. New Yorkers say "Fuck" alot- really? could have fooled the article in the Times here...

3. women are the economic backbone of the new Rwanda- GO GIRLS. due to the years of hutu/tutsi genocide, Rwanda has been left with a population that is 60% female. combined with a law passed in 1999 that allows women to inherit property, the sisters in Rwanda are doin' it for themselves.

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