domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

in my inner circle...


aint evah been and aint never will be no love like <> love.

people even use OUR name to sell their shit. look and ponder.

things to look at...

here are some pretties to ponder while im gone...and when i get back, it will most def be with the good stuff, fo' realz.
i've been a bad blogger momma...but with the busy busy (read:graduation) of the past few days...there has been painful little time for deh blog...and, unfortch for my devotees but schweet for me...I LEAVE FOR COSTA RRRICA si si senor!!!

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

ultimate nesting

back at camp lovelyoke...without bedding, but thats a whole nutha story...oof. anyway, here is the ULTIMATE nest...


miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


i especially love deh SAINT PAULI FC DUNKS!!! unfortch, St. Pauli are the rivals of my german hometown club, HSV... :(

bad tattoos

this one IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN. would i want it on my body? HELL NO. but, i do thank the person that got it for providing me with endless hours of amusement
the good, the bad, the ugly, and THE HILARIOUS


how neat is this? this site is a place where jilted lovers of all sorts can share the most ubiquitous relic of all failed relationships...the mixtape. either you made one or someone made you one. and here, even though the era of cassette players has long since passed, they can be shared, along with the break-up story that accompanies them.

back to school...

back to camp lovelyoke for deh final throwdown, i.e. graduating and canoe singing and laurel parading...also...<> REUNION...all deh mamas in ONE place at deh same time! wuut wuut.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

oda a la alcachofa-neruda

La alcachofa
de tierno corazón
se vistió de guerrero,
erecta, construyó
una pequeña cúpula,
se mantuvo
sus escamas,
a su lado
los vegetales locos
se encresparon,
se hicieron
zarcillos, espadañas,
bulbos conmovedores,
en el subsuelo
durmió la zanahoria
de bigotes rojos,
la viña
resecó los sarmientos
por donde sube el vino,
la col
se dedicó
a probarse faldas,
el orégano
a perfumar el mundo,
y la dulce
allí en el huerto,
vestida de guerrero,
como una granada,
y un día
una con otra
en grandes cestos
de mimbre, caminó
por el mercado
a realizar su sueño:
la milicia.
En hileras
nunca fue tan marcial
como en la feria,
los hombres
entre las legumbres
con sus camisas blancas
de las alcachofas,
las filas apretadas,
las voces de comando,
y la detonación
de una caja que cae,
con su cesto,
una alcachofa,
no le teme,
la examina, la observa
contra la luz como si fuera un huevo,
la compra,
la confunde
en su bolsa
con un par de zapatos,
con un repollo y una
de vinagre
que entrando a la cocina
la sumerge en la olla.
Así termina
en paz
esta carrera
del vegetal armado
que se llama alcachofa,
escama por escama
la delicia
y comemos
la pacífica pasta
de su corazón verde.

chillin' & illin' w/ kim jong il, yo.

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

i have to go to the dentist get a filling re-filled. this makes me sad and a bit anxious.

this SCREAMS class, elegance, sophistication...a lucite stripper shoe with FRENCH FRY HEELS
these are FIERCE...

deh sesame seed

i found these sweet sesame street clips on youtube(what can't you find on that thing?) and they put such a HUGE smile on my face...made me think of a kinder, gentler time, if you will.
its amazin' what you can do with the right size nozzle on a bottle of spray paint. i especially love the odes to britney(first image) and anna-nicole (last image). i can't think of any other way i would prefer to be immortalized.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

the right stuff...

the ORIGINAL boyband, Boston's very own New Kids on the Block gave one of those free concert thingys on the TODAY show. man, i feel old. jordan knight was MY FIRST CRUSH EVER.

what caught my attention this week...

1. YAY FOR DEH GAYS IN CALIFORNIA- sosososo pleased that California has legalized gay the same time, one has to step back, scratch their head, and ponder, what took so long for these people who happen to love someone of the same sex so long to get the same rights that we all have? love is love, and it deserves the same fair chance to be recognized for what it is. also, ellen degeneres can finally lockdown that hottie of a girlfriend of hers.

2. New Yorkers say "Fuck" alot- really? could have fooled the article in the Times here...

3. women are the economic backbone of the new Rwanda- GO GIRLS. due to the years of hutu/tutsi genocide, Rwanda has been left with a population that is 60% female. combined with a law passed in 1999 that allows women to inherit property, the sisters in Rwanda are doin' it for themselves.

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

i can has...

for me...
for mamaz dragon & hustla... for sissy...
these don't ever get old...honestly.

pura vida y'all...

brit-brit's in costa rrrica with her paw and mel gibson...mel gibson? i don't get it either. maybe our paths will can only hope (crosses fingers)

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008


remember that kid from Florida who stole his memaw's SUV because "he wanted to do hood rat stuff"? well...apparently he has been taken into custody for a psychological evaluation after he beat the crap of out previously mentioned memaw in a wal-mart over some chicken wings. how hood rat is that?

the things people will pay money for...


just broke the world record for the most money paid for a work by a living artist at sotheby's. why? good question. it could be because it's done by sigmund freud's grandson...but other than that, i got NOTHING for you. i wonder what the artist's good ol' grandad would have to say about the subject matter.



this is too much excitement.

martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

they say that behind every good man is an even greater woman...i can't say i disagree. here is some hot stuff from nuria, who just happens to be the ladyfriend of el tono.


so, there's this thing...well, subculture/lifestyle is more accurate, called steampunk. its a hybrid between victorian era everything and the technology afforded by the 21st century and beyond...its hyper-stylized and super distinct. i dont know how i feel about it...but it should be making quite a splash, considering that the NYT has written a feature article about it and it has its own wikipedia entry.

i don't know if i get it. i mean, i can appreciate it, sure, but get it, like really really get it, im not sure, but their ascetic is pretty bad-ass...check out the watch at the top of the post.

a time travelling bon would it be to have one of these? where would you go?

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008

street art has never looked so so so...lovable. but its good for a monday.